Thursday, July 21

day #125 only 240 more to go...

Has it really been 8 days? Maybe that's the secret to life = stay busy. If I'm busy then there's no time to dream of what was, what is (wait that won't work), what will be. I doubt the 'big thinkers' of history (or now) have full time jobs, commute, spouses, parents, siblings, friends, children, email, text messages, sports, mow the lawn, trim the trees, clean the bathrooms, cook, watch the bachelorette and a few select housewives of where ever and are over due for an oil change.

I don't have all on the above list and don't know how many of my friends do it. I asked my boss if he ever sleeps with 4 kids, wife, dog, chickens, full time job, 2 gardens, 2 to-do lists (work/home), sports and everything else. He laughed and said when he can he does. According to Oprah one way to look 20 years younger is to sleep. I don't need a psychic to confirm that.

In psychic school they should teach that when they see life ending in 'that crazy cat lady' they should tell her that she will look 20 years younger than most women and will be surrounded with animals that will offer unconditional love. Sounds great doesn't it?

Years ago, I asked a palm reader if I would have kids. Her pause was loooong as she looked at my face then back to my hand and said, "if you decide to". I walked away thinking she didn't earn that $10. In my late 20's I realized she was right then in my 30's I realized she was right until I 'decided to' and it didn't happen. Now in my 40's I doubt it's possible.

Let me (again) quote my very wise friend, "no one can predict the future because it's always changing". Obviously, I struggle with this concept but I'm getting there with only 240 days to go and maybe in the end I'll even fit into my skinny jeans.

Here kitty, kitty...

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