Saturday, July 30

day #134 only 231 more to go...

What are the rules? Is picking a card without asking the future cheating? Is picking a rune while asking what is happening at that moment cheating? For an addict like me the rules are conveniently fuzzy.

If I'm addicted to predictions = outcome aka future then picking a card for the moment is not cheating but if I'm in the moment then why would I pick a card? These are the thoughts that make my friends shake their heads at me. Luckily they love me just the same. 

I've been watching Spartacus which at times is so violent I have to look away but I continue receiving the dvds wondering what will happen next. I think of how it was to live during the Roman Empire with it's belief in the Gods and fate. Spartacus' wife supposedly spoke with the Gods and told Spartacus that his path was set and to stop fighting it. In the most recent episode he did just that and accepted his fate. This of course made me consider my own path. 

Have I accepted mine just as it is? Nope...

By the final episode I'll know how to wield a sword and I'm hoping to have accepted my destiny without resistance. It doesn't mean I have to be happy about everything that happens but hopefully I'll be free to allow it to just be. 

Last year, a woman who alters energy allowing it to flow more freely (similar to unkinking a hose) asked me if I wanted to be rich and famous. What? Famous? Why? My first thought was of Michael Jackson and how he couldn't go anywhere. Heck no! She then asked if I wanted to be rich and well known. Sure, that sounds more my speed. But, if my destiny is already set how can she help? Paying her didn't make me richer and no one knows who the heck I am but maybe my hose is unkinked.

Spartacus trained his arse off while he was stuck being a slave and became a legend. I too am training by resisting my desire to know the future and cutting back on chocolate croissants so I can wear my too tight jeans with glory. 

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